Jackie Spinner

The Washington Post
Here’s how you can help my son. He needs more than ‘awareness’ of autism.
April 7, 2022
Developmental milestones just changed for the first time in years
February 10, 2022
My kids are not okay. Canceling school is not sustainable—or responsible.
January 6, 2022
Perfect attendance awards no longer belong in U.S. schools.
March 30, 2021
The pandemic put families in international adoption limbo. Our story has a happy ending.
March 9, 2021
Chicago teachers, students and parents all lose in the struggle over reopening schools
January 27, 2021
Elijah McClain’s final words haunt me as a parent of a child who is ‘different’
June 29, 2020
‘I only like mom school’: Why my autistic son thrived during the pandemic school closures
June 22, 2020
Fear, sadness and uncertainty: Waiting for international adoption during a global pandemic
April 24, 2020
My autistic son gets specialized support at school for learning disabilities. What happens now?
March 30, 2020
Helping autistic kids cope with the chaos and uncertainty of coronavirus
March 17, 2020
Early intervention for autism is important. My son is proof of that.
December 19, 2019
My son shouldn’t have to carry a blue pumpkin
October 30, 2019
In a world where a special-needs kid is asked to leave Outback, is it okay to go to the movies?
August 14, 2019
The unbearable cost of summer camp for children with special needs
June 18, 2019
The extra layer of back-to-school anxiety when your child has special needs
August 31, 2018
The relief and heartbreak of watching my autistic son become more socially aware
August 23, 2018
Trump’s trade war threatens the U.S. newspaper industry
June 22, 2018
What my sons, and I, gained from returning to the country where they were born
May 23, 2018
How can we prepare our kids with special needs for a school crisis?
February 27, 2018
Special needs parenting in Morocco
November 15, 2017
Morocco debates a law to protect women in public spaces. Passing it is another matter.
Nov. 5, 2017
State Department support for diplomats with children with disabilities is contracting
October 29, 2017
Other national media outlets
How Morocco has weakened its press, pushing readers to social media for news
January 2, 2018 (Christian Science Monitor)
Inside Morocco’s renewable revolution
September 13, 2017 (Christian Science Monitor)
Gateway Journalism Review
*Columns originally published in Publishers’ Auxiliary that were slightly modified and re-published in the Review
To paywall or not? Young readers provide the answer
*October 6, 2022
Journalism educators need to up their game to stay relevant in their own changing industry
*September 1, 2022
New democracy editor position at Associated Press should be model for all newsrooms
*July 7, 2022
Rethinking culture that encourages journalists to be ‘vultures’ when reporting on mass shooting
*June 2, 2022
New documentary about town of Morocco in Indiana tries to tell ‘honest’ story
*May 5, 2022
‘Financial hazing’ of new journalism hires ultimately hurts all of us
*April 14, 2022
Local news outlets can help readers vet credible sources of information on invasion in Ukraine
*March 3, 2022
All news outlets should rethink field safety when sending reporters alone on assignment
*February 10, 2022
Local news outlets should do more to combat pandemic misinformation
*February 3, 2022
Local media need to fact-check gas stories that are full of hot air
*December 9, 2021
It’s getting hard and harder to find a newspaper for sale
*November 4, 2021
Former war reporter steps back into familiar role in helping Afghans evacuate
*October 7, 2021
Working moms push for flexibility to remain as newsrooms open again
September 9, 2021
Local media have role in fighting vaccine hesitancy, misinformation
*September 9, 2021
The pandemic exposed deep inequality. We shouldn’t forget that in our race to ‘normal’
*June 8, 2021
News outlets need to dig harder in reporting about policing in their communities
*May 4, 2021
Covering hate: ‘This is not a geographic problem. It’s an American problem.’
*April 20, 2021
Newsrooms owe it to their Asian-American readers to get sourced, break stereotypes
*April 6, 2021
Illinois lawmakers want to strip newspapers of lucrative job of publishing public notices
March 30, 2021
Local news outlets should play larger role in helping community members find vaccines
*March 2, 2021
Local news outlets should avoid false equivalency in reporting on Covid vaccine
*January 19, 2021
Community news outlets should build on high voter turnout in presidential election
*November 17, 2020
Student journalists can help local media outlets cover the pandemic
*October 6, 2020
Community journalists should serve as fact-checkers on national stories
*September 22, 2020
‘If the coronavirus is a war, Americans have picked a team’
*September 15, 2020
Media outlets covering racial unrest in America need to include an examination of their own newsrooms
*July 7, 2020
Newspapers are ‘essential business,’ but readers still don’t want to pay
*June 9, 2020
Local editors, publishers should hire journalism students stuck at home for summer internships
*May 5, 2020
Reporting the coronavirus story feels familiar to a war reporter
*April 7, 2020
Local media outlets should be on frontline of misinformation war to help readers
*February 18, 2020
Stop pretending media trust issue is only a problem for national news outlets
*January 14, 2020
‘Quiet rooms’ investigation is a call to action for community news outlets
November 26, 2019
News business is about death and imagination
*November 12, 2019
Community news outlets should use inclusive language when covering immigration
*October 15, 2019
Mike Wallace documentary reminds us of importance, power of TV journalism
*September 24, 2019
Southern Illinois paper breaks story in print about state cancelling Confederate Railroad band. It still goes viral.
July 16, 2019
Waterloo paper’s early adoption of email newsletter sets it apart
July 9, 2019
Readers want good visuals, but newsrooms keep laying off photojournalists who can deliver them
June 4, 2019
New statehouse bureau aims to fill gap in coverage for Illinois newspapers
May 21, 2019
Lee’s pricing model for ‘members’ alienates longtime readers
*May 6, 2019
New 4-H paper first of its kind for student journalists
February 18, 2019
Post-Dispatch, Tribune haven’t caught up with EU rules
December 16, 2018
When Trump attacks: a surreal moment for American journalists
October 19, 2018
Illinois’ Public Access Counselor frustratingly slow; AG candidates promise changes
October 16, 2018
Chicago TV news ignores ‘cheap’ murders
June 13, 2018